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VictorBuzz - From Dreams to Reality...

Automobile sector, Backbone of Indian Economy

3 years ago
Anmol Bharadia

The Indian auto industry is one of the largest in the world. The industry accounts for 7.1 per cent of…

Understanding the Concept of Utility

INTRODUCTION: In Victorian days, philosophers and economists talked blithely of “utility” As an indicator of a person’s overall well-being. The…

3 years ago

Consumer surplus, The game of Demand & Supply

INTRODUCTION: In the preceding chapters, we've seen the way to derive a consumer’s demand Function from the underlying preferences or…

3 years ago

Business stabilization & Fluctuations policies

Introduction: Observing how business conditions evolve reveals substantial but somewhat irRegular fluctuations concerning production, employment, prices, and most other Macroeconomic…

3 years ago

Story of Apple vs Microsoft

Competition can bring you the brightest future which you may have never desired. When two or more person competes to…

3 years ago

Modi Government is magic of Social Media Marketing

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his social media minions have made him the world’s most socially-active leader during his…

3 years ago

India-Pakistan trade war

India and Pakistan are two well-known rivals for a very long time. Since the independence of India it separated into…

3 years ago

Insights of Industry supply

Introduction: We have seen the way to derive a firm’s supply curve from its incremental cost curve. But during a…

3 years ago

Effects of COVID-19 on economy

Corona pandemic is affecting entire world very badly. Human life is suffering as well as global economy.World economy is seeing…

3 years ago

The Story of TATA Group

When we think about business and related groups and companies, there are many multinational companies and conglomerate that come in…

3 years ago